How a German Startup Is Making the ‘Magic of Light’ Affordable in Developing...
Beatrice Akyoo doesn’t need to spend as much money lighting her home, and her children have more time for homework without inhaling the nasty fumes from kerosene lamps. She also earns extra income by...
View ArticleClean200 Update: China Continues to Lead Clean Energy Economic Expansion
An updated version of the Carbon Clean 200 (Clean200) released today by As You Sowand Corporate Knights reveals that China continues to play a leading role in the clean energy economic expansion....
View ArticleThe Tipping Point: South Pole Group on RECs, the SDGs and the Future of...
Last month, we at Sustainable Brandsannounced the renewal of our renewable energy partnership with sustainability solutions provider South Pole Group, to help minimize the footprint of our global...
View ArticleGE, UC Davis, Winesecrets Are Turning Recycled Rainwater into Wine
Water is an increasingly precious resource and no one knows this better than California. Last year marked the state’s sixth consecutive year of drought, an issue that is putting serious strain on its...
View ArticleJaguar Land Rover, Tesla Harness Renewables to Reduce Impacts, Tackle Energy...
Renewables continue to gain traction both with businesses and governments, offering solutions to reduce impacts and address issues of energy security. Jaguar Land Rover (JLR) is the latest to embrace...
View ArticleChina Using Electron Beams to Treat Textile Wastewater
Textile dyeing accounts for one fifth of all industrial wastewater pollution generated worldwide and much of it, particularly in developing countries in Asia, goes untreated. Now, China is employing...
View ArticleTrending: Sustainable Technologies Reduce Emissions, Costs for Air, Sea Travel
The aviation and shipping industries contribute significantly to global CO2 emissions each year, but a growing portfolio of sustainable technological solutions are helping the sectors reduce impacts...
View ArticleToyota’s Latest Campaign Combats Air Pollution with Smog-Reducing Billboards
Hydrogen fuel cell technology is changing the way we think about mobility. The effectiveness of fuel cells in reducing emissions speaks for itself — the vehicles emit nothing but water vapor — which is...
View ArticleAkzoNobel, AB InBev Latest in Spate of Companies Switching to 100% Renewables
This week, two more multinationals joined the ranks of companies energizing their sustainability agendas with bold commitments to power their entire operations with renewables.Anheuser-Busch InBev has...
View ArticleReport: Renewable Energy Job Opportunities Are Booming in the US
If anyone doubts renewable energy is the future for this country, they need only to look at employment numbers. According to a recent report from the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF), employers in the...
View ArticleNew MIT Technology Could Revolutionize Wastewater Treatment
MIT has developed a new technology that could revolutionize wastewater treatment and water purification. Providing an alternative to more energy- and chemical-intensive alternatives, MIT’s new method...
View ArticleTrending: Projects Across Europe, Puerto Rico Prove Renewables Are Becoming...
Big things are brewing in the realm of clean energy, with new initiatives in France, Denmark and Puerto Rico ushering renewables towards the mainstream.France is poised to double its current wind and...
View ArticleQ&A: How United Continues to Fuel Sustainability in the Air
When people think of industries making the world a more sustainable place, air travel is likely at the bottom of the list — but United Airlines is one industry leader working hard to change that.We...
View ArticlePeak Oil? No Problem: Dubai Reinvents Itself as a Climate Tech Leader
The sand dune turned booming metropolis known as Dubai has never been a city synonymous with sustainability — extravagance and wealth, yes, but environmental ingenuity? Not so much. But as oil and...
View ArticleTrending: Battery Storage Solutions Finally Catch Up to Renewables Boom
While renewables are becoming the new normal, battery storage has largely lagged behind. But a new report from global consulting firm McKinsey and the roll-out of new storage pilot projects across the...
View ArticleEuropean Energy Giants Join Forces to Overcome Barriers to Low-Cost,...
Renewable energy continues to gain steam, shedding its niche status and moving towards the mainstream, but further progress is being impeded by barriers related to regulation and storage. In an effort...
View ArticleNew Penn State Research Finds 40% of our Energy Needs in Coastal River Outlets
In a world full of people who depend on water, the most urgent subject is scarcity. More than a billion people live in areas where water is scarce, and that number is likely to reach 3.5 billion by...
View ArticleSomething Big Is Brewing: New Tech Helps Brewers Capture Carbon, Create Beer...
Brewers across the country are embracing new technology to tackle some of the industry’s most pressing sustainability challenges: emissions and water.References to carbon capture are often reserved for...
View ArticleQ&A: Science-Based Targets, Better Fuels Are Where the Rubber Meets the Road...
As a global transportation and logistics company, UPSis all too familiar with the myriad of challenges greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions pose to both the environment and the global economy. To reduce...
View ArticleTrending: DONG Energy, Stanford Scientists Carving Out Carbon-Neutral Future
While energy companies continue to forge ahead with plans to reduce CO2 emissions, researchers are uncovering new ways to use the gas a feedstock to create renewable fuels.Danish energy company DONG...
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